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In­done­sia: Child Aid Papua En­vir­on­mental School

What is at is­sue:

Child Aid Papua has es­tab­lished an en­vir­on­mental school in the heart of Raja Am­pat. Since Janu­ary 2020 Child Aid Papua has the of­fi­cial high school ac­cred­it­a­tion of the De­part­ment of Edu­ca­tion of Raja Am­pat and is there­fore able to of­fer a cer­ti­fied high school dip­loma.

Child Aid Papua High School provides stu­dents with a qual­ity edu­ca­tion from the 7th to the 12th grade. The stu­dents are in­di­vidu­ally su­per­vised and trained in all sub­jects. The main fo­cus is al­ways on teach­ing and im­ple­ment­ing en­vir­on­mental aware­ness.

In ad­di­tion to the school les­sons, our high school stu­dents have the op­por­tun­ity to par­ti­cip­ate in in­ter­est­ing in­tern­ships within and out­side the re­gion or even abroad.

Child Aid Papua High School is free for all stu­dents and of­fers unique op­por­tun­it­ies for all our gradu­ates.

What's hap­pen­ing now:

Child Aid Papua En­vir­on­mental School teaches chil­dren and teen­agers aged 9 to 18 years across dif­fer­ent grades.

Primary School (4th-6th grade, 25 stu­dents): Tour­ism in Raja Am­pat has been grow­ing ex­po­nen­tially for sev­eral years and provides some of the few job op­por­tun­it­ies in the re­gion. In or­der for the loc­als to be­ne­fit as well, com­mu­nic­a­tion in Eng­lish is es­sen­tial. Our Eng­lish classes are in­teg­rated into the of­fi­cial edu­ca­tion sys­tem and thus en­joy a high status.

En­vir­on­mental classes (4th-9th grade, 30-40 stu­dents): Every Thursday, between 30-40 stu­dents at­tend en­vir­on­mental classes. Through prac­tical and con­tinu­ous ex­per­i­ences, we an­chor the idea of en­vir­on­mental pro­tec­tion in our stu­dents. Through vari­ous pro­jects (e.g. the Ocean War­rior waste pro­ject), the chil­dren and young people are made aware of the im­port­ance of en­vir­on­mental and mar­ine pro­tec­tion in Raja Am­pat.

Ju­nior High School (7th-9th grade, 8 stu­dents): In sum­mer 2021 we opened our first Ju­nior High School class. Eight stu­dents at­tend Child Aid Papua Ju­nior High School classes daily. En­vir­on­mental edu­ca­tion is in­teg­rated into the daily routine and is put into prac­tice through en­vir­on­mental pro­jects. The de­mand for the edu­ca­tion offered by Child Aid Papua is very high in the re­gion. There­fore, the in­fra­struc­ture has been ex­pan­ded and in the sum­mer of 2022 an­other Ju­nior High School class with 10 stu­dents will start.

Senior High School (10th-12th grade, 2 stu­dents): In sum­mer 2020 we opened our first Senior High School class. Stu­dents will be trained in all sub­jects. A strong em­phasis is placed on en­vir­on­mental edu­ca­tion and sus­tain­able tour­ism, with gain­ing real-world work ex­per­i­ence also an im­port­ant ele­ment.


What we have achieved:

The Child Aid Papua En­vir­on­mental School has be­come very im­port­ant in the Raja Am­pat re­gion in the last two years. The de­mand for the edu­ca­tional of­fer ex­ceeds the cur­rent sup­ply.


Since 2021, our senior high school stu­dents have com­pleted vari­ous in­tern­ships dur­ing their school years. For ex­ample, stu­dents have been to Bali (Open Wa­ter and Ad­vanced OW dive train­ing) to ob­tain in­ter­na­tional Reef Check train­ing with local or­gan­iz­a­tions. They also did in­tern­ships at dif­fer­ent dive re­sorts in the Raja Am­pat re­gion, where they gained in­sight into dif­fer­ent areas of work.

Project "Ocean Warrior"

Through our pro­ject "Ocen War­rior" the chil­dren in Raja Am­pat learn why plastic waste is a prob­lem for nature and what they can do about it. By means of the book 'Ocean-War­ri­or' writ­ten for this pur­pose, the chil­dren ex­per­i­ence a story from their re­gion and there­fore it re­mains par­tic­u­larly well in their memory.

The pro­ject has been led by one of our senior high school stu­dents since 2021. It in­cludes a dis­cus­sion of the book fol­lowed by a play­ful in­tro­duc­tion to the topic of waste through games and present­a­tions. This is fol­lowed by is­land cleanups, dur­ing which an av­er­age of 40-50 kg of waste is col­lec­ted and sor­ted out.

Be­cause of the great suc­cess, an­other book called 'Con­ser­va­tion Her­oes' has been writ­ten and is avail­able in In­done­sia, Ger­many and Switzer­land.

School coral garden

Since Oc­to­ber 2020, a school coral garden has been planted to­gether with the stu­dents in or­der to put the learn­ing ob­ject­ives of the en­vir­on­mental les­sons dir­ectly into prac­tice. More than 2,000 coral frag­ments have already been planted and a bet­ter un­der­stand­ing of the im­port­ance of cor­als has been cre­ated among our stu­dents.

More in­form­a­tion:

More in­form­a­tion